"When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage

and willingness to change; at such a moment there is no point in

pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are

not yet ready. The  challenge will not wait. Life does not look back." 

Paulo Coelho

See Resources page for more information about some of these topics.

Daring Way™ and Counseling Services in Boise

Julie Myers, LCPC, LLC                                                                      


​I am currently seeing clients in my office and via telehealth.  Please contact me directly at 208-908-0582 or at julie@boisecounselingctr.com to schedule an appointment.

Counseling Services

Julie is experienced in working with clients in many areas and looks to tailor each session to individual needs. She addresses both short and long term counseling needs for individual counseling and couples counseling. 

  • Adult Individuals and Couples
  • Daring Way™ and Rising Strong™Programs
  • LGBTQ (Individual, Couples, and Allies)
  • Gifted Adults and Parenting Gifted Children
  • Co-Dependency
  • Partners of Sex or Pornography Addiction
  • Addiction and Dual Diagnosis
  • Life Transitions (Expected and Unexpected)
  • Relationship (Work, Social, Family, and Romantic)


Group counseling offered for

  • Daring Way™ and Rising Strong™ programs based on the research of

         Brené Brown

Call Julie at 208.908.0582 to see what help is available.